ISSN : 1000-9035
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Correction and Retraction Policy

《分子科学杂志》致力于维护科学记录的准确性、可信度和完整性。 我们认识到,研究文章中可能会出现错误,无论是由于无意的错误、伦理问题还是误导性数据。 因此,纠正和撤回将以透明和伦理的方式处理,确保科学界和读者只接收到准确和可靠的信息。

只有在必要时,经过编辑委员会的彻底审查过程后,才会进行更正或撤回。 任何决定纠正或撤回文章的行为都将基于COPE(出版伦理委员会)撤回和更正指南,确保所有行动符合国际伦理标准。

如果已发表的文章包含不会显著影响研究结论的轻微错误,例如排版错误、作者单位错误或轻微的数据误解,将会发布更正。 经过修正的文章版本将会附带正式通知发布,以确保读者的清晰理解。

另一方面,当发现已发表的文章包含重大错误、伪造数据、抄袭或任何形式的不道德研究行为,严重影响研究的有效性时,将考虑撤回。 在这种情况下,期刊将发布一份明确的撤回声明,解释撤回的原因,同时确保透明度和问责制。

《分子科学杂志》在做出更正和撤回决定时,将始终维护科学界的最佳利益。 所有必要的更新将会被清楚地传达,原始出版记录将保持可访问,并附有适当的通知以保持透明度。

The Journal of Molecular Science is committed to maintaining the accuracy, credibility, and integrity of the scientific record. We recognize that errors can occur in research articles, whether due to unintentional mistakes, ethical concerns, or misleading data. Therefore, corrections and retractions will be handled in a transparent and ethical manner, ensuring that the scientific community and readers receive only accurate and reliable information.

Corrections or retractions will only be made when necessary, following a thorough review process by the editorial board. Any decision to correct or retract an article will be based on the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) Retraction and Correction Guidelines, ensuring that all actions align with international ethical standards.

Corrections will be issued if a published article contains minor errors that do not significantly affect the study's conclusions, such as typographical mistakes, errors in author affiliations, or minor data misinterpretations. The corrected version of the article will be published with a formal notice, ensuring clarity for readers.

Retractions, on the other hand, will be considered when a published article is found to contain major errors, falsified data, plagiarism, or any form of unethical research practice that significantly impacts the validity of the study. In such cases, the journal will issue a clear retraction statement explaining the reason for the retraction while ensuring transparency and accountability.

The Journal of Molecular Science will always uphold the best interests of the scientific community while making correction and retraction decisions. All necessary updates will be clearly communicated, and the original publication record will remain accessible with appropriate notices to maintain transparency.

Journal Policies

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Plagiarism Policy
Peer Review Policy
Aim and Scope
Open Access Policy
Privacy Policy
Human and Animal Rights Policy
Reviewers Guidelines
Competing Interests
Correction and Retraction Policy
Article Withdrawal Policy

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